The End

I thought I had it all...
I really did until that incident occurred.
Now, I have lost all hope in life. I think that life is no longer worth living. What for, I ask myself.
To suffer? To be slaves for another? Answering to his every beck and call. No!
I do not want it to be that way.
I do not want to live that way.
I want to be free! I want my freedom.
No strings attached.
Just me, and my wings. So that I will be able to fly up to the skies and leave this mess down here below.
But how long till I get there?
I have decided to quicken that process.
I laugh to myself silently as I peel the sealed rectangular silver packing open.
Inside, the sharp blade glistened, beckoning to me.
Carefully I take it out and examined it.
I can see my reflection upon it. My hair, my face, my fake smile.
I can see the haunted look in my eyes that has been there for years.
I can see my jawbones protruding out., which gives my facial features a harsher look.
As if in a daze, I walk into the bathroom and slid to the floor at a corner.
I sat there crouched, pondering one more time.
Is it right? Will I be finally set free from the evil clutches of this world?
I think that it is time.
It is now or never.
Before they come back, before they start their torture.
I lift up the tiny piece of blade and place it above my left wrist. I can see my veins. Bluish green and thin and waiting there for me.
Sucking in my breath, I finally slide it across my wrist.
The blade drops, so does my wrist. There was no pain.
The red liquid flows out of me gradually, forming a red pool beneath my left hand.
I see life draining out of me. But I am not scared. I am not afraid.
In fact, I feel free. Free as never before.
I lose warmth and cold starts seeping up.
But not for long.
As numbness finally takes hold of me and closing my eyes, I see daylight no longer.


wei.... are you ok? Don't scare me... I don't want to lose you my friend
JeNz said…
i pretty like the poem
Kath said…
>tianshi: I'm okay! :D. Just trying my hand at writing fiction. Want to make it seem real yet not real.. hahaha. Don't worry. I don't want to make my friends like you worry for me as well.

>Jenz: Thank you! Hahaha. Trying to venture into something else. :)

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