A Near Accident

Today was the last day of my finals!! Well, during this whole examination period I had the 'luxury' of driving to Uni. Nothing occured, I drove safely, reached uni safely, reached home safely.

Today... something extraordinary happened to me while I was driving. And I can guess that this happens to, like, a very small percentage of drivers who drive daily. On the federal highway, being the slow coach that I am, I drove on the most left lane following a lorry in front of me. I kept a safe distance, remembering what I learned during driving lessons about distance for 4 metres per second.. sth like that.

So there I was happily driving at 70km/h (Yes, I know. It's slow!!) behind the lorry. Out of the blue, some tube like things fell down from the lorry, on to the road, directly in front of me!!!

I got the shock of my life!!

I couldn't really stop.. and I couldn't switch lanes as there were cars and these tube things were rolling everywhere!!! So know what I HAD to do? I rolled over those stuff. I don't know exactly what they are. But I think they're made of hard cardboard like materials. It's bout 1-2m long, imagine your used toilet roll.. except way longer... So I drove over it la..

What could I do? Then the lorry stopped one side to pick up the stuff.. some I guess, would have been squashed by me.. I didn't stop. Not my fault. Theirs for not securing their property. In fact I can sue them should any harm befall me because of their falling stuff.

Anyway, I was a lone girl with a wira versus two men and a lorry. No way am I stopping to assess any damages. Even if it is their fault, which it is!!! My poor car... I think it should be hurt quite badly underneath.

I was shaking after that. Stopped by one side to calm down before continuing to Uni. Terrbile... haha. Thank God my bumper didn't get knocked off!


Lai Tee @ Grace said…
Dear, I hope nothing happen to you and the car.
That is dangerous!! luckily you keep safe distance...but still, it's unavoidable...highway some more..sure can't avoid 1..you should avoid lorry...whenever / wherever you drive..to avoid this dangerous 'accident' !!
chian said…
FINALLY, a post!! yay~ your exams had finished!!
try not to follow a lorry...I never like tailing behind a lorry...first, they're slow; 2ndly, u cannot see what's on the front; 3rdly, yeah, accidents like your case do happen..
Kath said…
lai tee

Yea, I'm ok. Learned my lesson adi.. going to stick to middle lane of federal from now on. Haha. Car's ok.. sending for service soon.


Yup, my exams are finally done with!! Hooray.. as long as I don't have to take supp. I will not tail tehm anymore or go near them.
JeNz said…
*hugs* glad that you are fine! really!! it's so dangerous..so don't tail them anymore darling!
Kath said…

Yea haha I definitely won't.. Keeping my distance and shifting to the middle and fast lane from now on..haha.

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