Pervert Cat

Something cute/ funny happened on Thursday..

I always park my car on the tiny piece of land outside my house.

Yesterday as I reached the front of my house, my neighbour's orange male cat was sitting in the middle of the patch of grass blocking my way. It didn't budge when the car came. So I moved the car nearer to the cat with hopes that it will move..


So I stopped the car, got out of it and went to chase the cat away.

This cat must be one perverted cat la. It was looking at a female cat right across the street. It didn't register my presence even when I was standing directly behind it. It was so intense on observing the female cat.. for whatever reason I don't know la... (like peeping tom-cat only)

After saying 'shoo' to it SO many times, I finally went and gently tapped its tail with my foot. Hahahaha. The cat got a shock and ran off.. all the while its head was still turned at the female cat's direction...

Perverted cat... Hahaha.

And I could finally park my car again... happily ever after



chian said…
haahaha! how u know the other cat is a female? may be a male u know
Kath said…
Male and female.. the difference quite obvious is it not? Haha
JeNz said…
CUTE ehh..kath should just give dat Cat a good kick instead...uhmm..for being a perverted cat!
Esee said… cats on our neightbourhood
Kath said…
Haha.. yeah kick all pervert cats..hehe

Gay cats? Now that I'd like to see..
Lai Tee @ Grace said…
Cat attracts cat..same species...maybe it doesn't realized you are one of it.. Kath..don't get mad ya! LOL
Kath said…
Aiya... but the cat wasn't looking at me. Hehe

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