Top 10 people...

Not to sit next to in trains!!!

1. People who talk a lot, nonstop. (Felt like asking the person to shut up)

2.People who talk so loud, their every personal secrets can be heard!!! (Hello? We don't need to know that you didn't brush your teeth this morning! Gross...)

3. People who have body odour. (No offense, but I cannot take the smell, really felt faint and wanted to vomit)

4. People who do not know how to keep their elbows to themselves. (They keep jabbing your sides with them!! Ouch..)

5. People who are big-sized. (Again, no offense but I always seem to end up sandwiched between two BIG people, it’s uncomfortable!)

6. This is for the ladies. Men!! (Perves, there are a lot of them out there!!!) P/S : Not all men ya..

7. People who obviously do not know anything about hygiene. (They dig their noses, pick at their teeth all the while sitting next to you!! *Shudders..*)

8. People, men again, who like to grab their *ahem* crotch.. for whatever reason I have no intention on knowing, thank you very much!

9. People who bring food into the trains. (Esp after KLCC station! You can smell the delicious aroma of the Rotiboy. That’s good. But what if you get someone packing food like chow dou fu? That would be worse than body odour!!!

10. Last but not least, small kids that do not know how to behave in trains!! (Sit down la dei! And stop swinging your legs around! You’re kicking other people!! Don’t make me come and beat your legs.)

Note: This was written purely from my heart, of what I am thinking at that precise moment. But this g-i-r-l here has totally no guts to do whatsoever that’s written.



chian said…
hahahah! Without them...the journey would be so boring! (u won't have anything to curse on!)
Kath said…
Yeah true true.. then my journey home won't be so adventurous anymore..
Lai Tee @ Grace said…
well, that's variety of

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