Blood Donation

This is about what happened when I donated blood just this Wednesday. I am no regular donor, in fact it was my first time because I am damn scared of needles and injections!!

Ever since young, I always gave problems when it came to getting injections be it BCG or Tetanus.. whatever. I used to cry a lot, my doctor scolded me once. He said,

"I have not even poked you yet with the needle and here you are crying already!!"

Sorree.. I can't help it okay? Thank God I didn't cry in form 3 and standard 6! Would be way embarrassing!

So, I have no idea from where this courage of mine came from, which made me want to go and donate my blood! It's like sending myself to the slaughterhouse! I suppose the presence of my friends there posed as a catalyst which really pulled me to this donating thing. I am glad that I did it though. Because, I have finally been able to gather up my courage and face my fear. Proud of myself!! *laughs heartily*
Oh yeah, I didn't donate a full bag though. I couldn't! Started to feel dizzy at the end, seeing blackspots and the nurse had to pull out the syringe from me. My coursemates had to give me warm milo in the bed. Lied down the for God knows how long... Oh well. Kind of disappointed..
A funny side to this story, before anyone donates their blood they have to go through a series of questioning and testing. When it was my turn, this nurse asked me, which I suppose is a standard question.
"Pernahkah anda menjalin atau melakukan sebarang hubungan seks?"
I do not know what I was thinking...
I said " Belum.."
Instead of "Tidak." Gosh, she must be thinking that I am just waiting to jump into bed with any guy...Hahah. Crap!


JeNz said…
LOL..that's a good one....instead of say belum...
hope you already feeling way better. hehe..too bad i've got not enuf iron..will be joining you again next time!
JeNz said…
hehe..that's a good one! instead of tidak you said belum..haha
hopefully you are way better now! too bad i didnt manage to pass the iron test..guess i'll join ya again next time!
Lai Tee @ Grace said…
wondering who else answer the same way as u did! LOL...
Esee said…
WAHAHAHA my horny sister!

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