
I know, it's such a paradox isn't it? First I had a title named crying, now I have another post with the title laughing. Haha. But seriously, read on and you will understand. (I hope)

I like to laugh. And I really can laugh a lot. I do not know why, I was just born that way. Simple things make me laugh. People may say that "Simple minds are easily amused." But, I beg to differ. I just see things from a different point of view which turns out to be quite funny. Laughing can be good to your health, as it helps to circulate blood in your body. It also makes you appear younger.. (proven testimony here) hehe. :P

Unfortunately, laughing a lot has put me into a kind of situation where I do not want to be. Because I laugh a lot, some people think of me as a person who does not know much of her work, a playful, not serious person and a silly (read : immature) girl. This is just because they do not know the real me.

I am very serious in my work, always and will ever be. I make sure my work is in perfect order before I say it is good. If it is my best, I will know it is and be very proud of it. Sadly, not many people know about this side of me. There are, though, the exceptional few. :)

Because of this, I sometimes feel down and I am also controlling myself to not burst into laughter for whatever reason.

But it is sad though. Nevertheless, I will try to have at least a good laugh a day.

"A laughter a day, keeps the wrinkles away!"


chian said…
u'r crazy, u'r serious, all rolled into 1 :P (like a sushi haha)
hey, laugh more = get wrinkles faster! especially for areas around your eyes! but u'll have a healthier body lah, healthier heart to be more precise.
n oh, u have a pair of 'laughing' eyes :P
Kath said…
What is laughing eyes?
chian said…
erm, eyes that make u look as if u'r laughing?

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