
The word 'idiot' has become a very much a part of my vocabulary nowadays. Perhaps it is due to some uncanny and scrupulous people I meet in the train, bus and yes, even in my campus. I have already complained about the train passengers a few times, that I know. So I won't bore you with those details. The people in my campus is the highlight of the day!

In campus, when we go for lectures in the lecture hall, it is the norm to keep place for our friends. One of my friends met with an accident last year, and this has caused her to go around in campus using crutches. She has difficulty going up the stairs (slow as well) and lecture halls as you know it are built stadium style with rows of seats ascending upwards towards the back. So we basically will keep seats in the front row for her convenience. As there are five of us in our gang, two of us will normally keep five seats as we are two of the early ones. Another two arrive just in time for the lecture to start.

(I am seriously trying to be neutral here with my feelings and thinking.)

The problem is, there is this one guy who has this problem about us reserving seats. Maybe he wants the front row or maybe.. I don't know. Once, he came in and wanted to sit in one of the seats. My friend told him it was reserved for our friends. He, however said rudely, " I don't see any bags. (Files and papers on the tables not enough for you?) How can you keep seats for people?!! You are not supposed to do that." So my friend explained about the plight of our friend with the crutches. Know what he said?!! " All your friends in crutches ah?!!" That was seriously barbaric okay.. I really really don't see a problem about us reserving seats. At least there are people there early to reserve (it's not like we came late and demanded you to move!) and furthermore, there were plenty of seats behind just two or three rows behind our row!

I thought okay.. maybe he was just feeling bad that day, so I sort of forgot about it until it was MY turn to be 'scolded' by him. He said the same thing basically.. don't see any bags.. you are not supposed to do this..blabla. So I told him firmly that my friend takes a longer time to reach here (as if he can't see for himself, had so many lectures with the same guy!!) , She also had just finished one lecture as it was taking a long time to end! ( I would know, I left early to get seats. Don't worry, nothing much.. Just presentations.) So my other friend who got ticked off by him the first time retorted that there were still so many seats behind and why couldn't he go there?!! He said, "That's my problem!" Well, your problem is yours, mister, but when our friends have problems, their problems are shared together with friends.

So I hope I gave a neutral perspective view on this matter (maybe not) and I hope that maybe someone could tell me where we went wrong. Whether what we did was right or not.. Because I seriously am shocked and disappointed at how an 'educated' guy can be so mean and act so barbaricly. Please let me know.. anyone. Thank you.

* From a more negative point of view, I would say that this guy is one egoistic fella and who cannot stand to have anyone burst his bubbble! Eveytime I see him, I start to think of this post's title..


Esee said…
Look, just tell this to him, "Honey, I don't know how to say this but...could you just... FARK OFF!!"

You can thank me later.

Or set me upon him. :P
chian said…
IDOIT! (not u..not u..)

LOL I love eileen's 'reflection'! yeah! u shd learn to be a bit more aggressive!

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