
Showing posts from February, 2007

My Single Story

Yes, I am already 21 and still single ! Why, am I telling you this, you may ask. Because I get loads of people asking me when am I going to get a boyfriend! Hello? Boyfriends don’t just drop from heaven okay?!! Hmm… maybe they will if I pray a lot. Hehe. I get it from my friends... I even get it from my grandma! Can you imagine that?! Someone, who I think of as a traditional and old-fashioned thinking lady asking me, a supposedly hip and modern girl, when she is going to get a boyfriend! Ahh!! Let me tell you what she said. Grandma : Yar yat sui lo! (You’re 21 already!) Zhong mei wan dou korkor zai ah? (Still haven’t found a bf yet?) Me : Ha?!! …… What is this??? Ha! I was talking with a few of my friends last Friday. Some of us are still single. So I told them my analogy of why we were still single. Each girl has her own destined knight in shining armour (I know, too many fairytales :P). The knights in shining armours are most probably lost in a dense and thick forest in a s


These are bottles of alcoholic drinks I took at my friend's house. We had a drinking party. But I didn't drink though. Not this time anyway. I am allergic to alcohol . Haha. Which really is a good thing to me, as I have a valid reason not to drink the next time. Seriously, the agony you have to go through after consuming alcohol is not worth the money and time you spend for these kinds of drinks. For me, that is. To each man, his or her own. One man's meat is another man's poison. :) As you can see, this is a Vodka. This... is the famous JD whiskey. Tequila... The one and only drink which I drank and later found out that I am allergic to alcohol. This is a Bacardi. Another brand of Tequila. I, of course, kept my distance from it. And finally, these are the glasses into which the drinks are poured into.


I am feeling very 'emo' today. I do not know why. All I know is, the minute I got up to get ready for classes, I started to cry. Tears just started to roll down and I found it a bit hard to stop. This is seriously weird la k, early in the morning, crying. Aaiii... but then I do have quite a low Emotinal Quotient (EQ). I find it hard to control my feelings. I can be very patient, yes. Even if people scold me for NO reason (parents excluded), I will just smile and look at you like what you said doesn't hurt me even a bit. Even though IT DOES! But I seriously can take it as just a normal conversation we are having. There are things though, especially things that I really care about, that will make me cry if it's bad.  Crying to most people is seen as something lame, a loser. But to me, it is very therapeutic. Everytime I cry, I will immediately feel better and be able to see things through, clearly. It enables me to see things through another perspective. And sudden

Birthday Blues

Boo-hoo!!! I am 21 years old already! I feel old.. I know most people would probably be cheering and rejoicing at their new found 'freedom' but to me being 21 is not really fun. Well, not fun YET anyway. It does not seem to make such a big difference to me in my past, present or even future life. I don't go into clubs(plan to though), I don't really gamble so much that I would die to get into a casino. It's just like a normal ageing thing to me.  Firstly , I am among the first among my peers to BE 21!! That is one reason why I feel OLD.  Secondly , I can no longer behave like a small kid and blame it on my teen tantrums.. Hehe. Thirdly , I have more responsibilities at this age, namely to vote for my country's wakil rakyat when election time starts which is like two, three more years to go? Which reminds me, I must get myself registered soon.   Fourthly , being 21 means you are one step closer to being 30! And I can't simply imagine myself being a