Exam invigilator

Been on holidays since the mid of September. Can not say that I did much though with that 'precious' time. I spent most of that time being at home, just the need to want to relax at home. But, a lot of people think I am lazing around on my big fat bum! Hello?? My definition of relaxing at home is with a great book tucked under my arm, the quietness of the house and a nice glass of cold watermelon juice beside me on a table on the patio! Well of course that will only happen after I wake my sister up for school, prepare lunch for my sisters, drop one sister off at school, drop lunch to ANOTHER sister at ANOTHER school, come back home, bring in the clothes, wash the lunch dishes and bla-bla bla-bla bla! Well, there goes my fantasy of RELAXING! (How Sad)

So, in order to stop people from making so much comments as the number of stars in the sky, I accepted the first job that dropped into my lap. And it did, sort of speaking. My mom asked me to be an invigilator for her school which was having their final exam. And so I took it without giving it so much as a second thought. I was kind of bored being stuck at home doing the same old routine again and again and again and again...anyway.

I am paid RM 4 per hour which I suppose is standard anyway. I have to be there one hour before every examination starts. So, if the paper starts at 830 am I have to be there by 730 am! Not to mention the clocking in and travelling to the exam venue which will take 10 minutes. So in the end, I will have to be in Shah Alam abefore 715am.

What does a person with a part time job like mine do, you might wonder. Well, we put exams paper on each and every one of those desks you can see in a big, big hall which seats over 1000 students! You go for a second round, this time putting the attendance slips. Twenty minutes before the exam starts, students start trailing in and you have to guide them to their places, literally GUIDE THEM. Once the exam starts, you go around collecting the attendance slips, making sure that that particular student sitting in that particular chair, taking that particular paper is the right student! After that the job gets a bit boring and quiet, but you have to keep watch so that students do not copy from each other, which they DO! Terrible, and to think they are university students too. After the exams ends, you just collect the exam papers, make sure the number matches the headcount and put them into the right envelope. That's all.

All in all, this job ain't that bad. Can be quite fun too as you get to 'lord it ' over the students though they maybe older than you. Haha. On the other hand, your legs hurt like crap after the standing and walking for over three hours!!!


chian said…
aiyoh....find a higher paid job larr...u'r not just a pee-em-are or ass-pee-am graduate. u'r an STPM graduate...u'r an STPM graduate!! and also a BIOTECHnology stoodent!
Kath said…
Biotech STUDENT only leh leng lui. Can't do much except for sales..hehehe.. No lab work until next year. May or Maynot pay as well. Depends...

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