
It's that time of the year again. Or month, which ever that is... But, no! Not 'that time' of the month. When we, the people are told/encouraged to put up/fly the National flag to show our patriotism. Seriously, does flying the flag mean you're being patriotic? So what about the other times of the year when we don't fly flags? Does it mean we're being unpatriotic? That's what the implication sort of means though.

Patriotism doesn't come from flying our national flags, it comes from deep within the heart. What is the use of flying the national flag when we speak bad of our contry to visitng friends? There are surely a lot of other ways which we can show our patriotism. For example, pay our income taxes on time and don't try to evade it. Returning back any loans the government has funded to help us in our studies, like the PTPTN loans. Coming back to your country to serve, to pass on your teachings, experiences to the future generations. Be one with your country and fellow countrymen to keep the peace and loving environment we are living in. By defending your country when it needs it most, yet knowing when we are in the wrong and accept it by changing our mistakes. We can also keep our country clean and stop littering all over the place or even spitting! It's not only unhygienic, it's disgusting as well!

You see, there are many other ways in which we can show our patriotism for our country, not just flying the flag. Flying the national flag can be said to be an extra sign of patriotism but not the primary thing. As long as you have it in your heart, you don't always have to show the outward signs. Because, you know where you stand...


Esee said…
You got that right honey
Kath said…
Haha. Thank you thank you.

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