Local U application

Yes, I have officially started classes in UTAR. Yes, I am also still travelling everyday to UTAR and back home. Yes, I am also very thankful to God that I got this place in UTAR. Though at first I was complaining about it. Hehe. The results for local U's applications were out last Monday. Some people were successful, some were not. I for one, can be considerd lucky to be offered a place. Yet, I did not get the course that Iwanted. Not even one of my eight choices. I was offered to do communication engineering in KUKUM in Perlis! The ironic thing is, I didn't even take physics for STPM! The nerve... One of my ex-school mates scored As in her STPM, yet she failed to get a place in the local Us. How is this application thing done, I do not know. All I know is, that I am glad that I applied for other Us while waiting for local Us. But now, I feel a bit sad that newly made friends are going off to local Us to continue their studies.. We somehow got to know one another better throughout this 5 weeks.. On top of that, people like Soo Tein and Yah Wen are also going to Singapore to further their studies. I am going to miss them. Oh well, here's wishing them all the best of luck!


chian said…
well, at least u get to study what u want, at low cost. And, MAYBE, at a better environment, too, compared to KUKUM
Kath said…
Yeah true also... And also at least I still have friends like you.. If you go somehwere else, I think I'll die la..haha
chian said…
well, if u go somewhere else, i'll die too :(

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