
It is already the year 2006. And so far, I have yet to find any temporary jobs to fill up my spare time with. Now, I am at home doing housework and other normal stuff. I think I will soon bore myself to death, that's why I am online during this time of the day. But finding a job is the least of my worries in the sense of long term goals. The thing that worries me is my future path after STPM. Should I wait for my results and for the entry into local universities? Or should I just enrol into private universities once I get my STPM results? Classes only commence in July and for local Us it is either in June or July as well. So far, the only private Us offering pharmacy courses are IMU, UCSI and Nottingham. Fees are not cheap too. My dad will have to sell a house in order to enrol me. But am I really sure of going to private Us? What about my two years in STPM, the main aim, to get entry into local Us? Ai yayay.. what to do?


chian said…
if the registration fees isnt too expensive..n quite affordable...actually u can enrol into private U 1st..given ur trial results are good enuff to enter! i've a few A Lvl classmates also quit the programme once they got their spm results n being sent to a good secondary skl for Form 6. (but one of them quit form6 n joined a lvl again lol) U can try this...IF u dun wanna waste time at home doing chores, and, given tat u'r financially Ok with it. haha. Just an alternative path for u to walk on hehe. IMU has a 4+0 degree programme starting on July. Think abt it.

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