Woo- hoo! I feel so glad, relieved, so many words rolled into one to describe how I am feeling right now. Finally, STPM is over! I actually can't believe it. I still remember when I just started classes in form six. In a blink of an eye, it's over. Just like that. On the last day, I was still feeling blur. Didn't realise I won't be seeing my classmates untill results day! And I can finally bade goodbye to the school and those school uniforms. Haha!

Hmmm.. How did I do in the STPM? I am not sure too. All I know is that this year's questions were way tougher compared to last year's. Which is quite weird, cause everyone thought that this year would be easy. Oh well. At least, I can tell the world that I sat for THE STPM. I won't say I conquered it but I faced it with all the courage I could muster. Ha... but I think my mathematics has already gone down the drain. Hope I won't fail for that subject. That paper was quite a shocker to me. Partly my fault for expecting it to be easy since last year's was very straight forward. Aaiii... but then everyone also had problems so I think I should be okay. :) Bio, Chem, whatever we spotted didn't come out. Waste my money and my time going for the one day seminar. Only had tuition for General Knowledge. So I seriously don't know how I would fare this time round.

Right now, I'll just enjoy myself for the rest of the year and go job-hunting in year 2006! Yes!


chian said…
congrats dearie! no uniforms finally, eh? really happy for u. cuz i know that u did put quite a lot of effort in your studies, so, whatever your results r, u've already tried ur best :) job-hunting huh...teacher again? hehe... or a full-time girlfriend? lol^^ anywayz, enjoy your hols! n i shall enjoy mine, too, after next monday! woohoo!

oh's time again for...

" Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! "

time flies..heh..
n i dunno whether i shd be happy or not..

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