
Yay yay. Trials are over! Now the only exam I have left is the real STPM exam. After that, freedom and paradise. Hehe. Well, for a while anyway. Since the beginning of this year, I have started counting the number of exams I have to sit through. Months pass and now I only have the major one to focus on. This time, I am giving myself another opportunity to work hard and be better. To be more determined and well prepared. The incident which happened during SPM will not happen again!!! I will not let it as I have regretted my actions for not studying hard enough during that time. Regrets are useless, so, I will concentrate fully and work diligently in facing the 3rd toughest exam in the world. I know I can do it and I will. Words can't bring me down. No way. My goal is to acheive the highest CGPA possible and the highest grades. You go girl! Show it to them, give it to them baby!


chian said…
tat's the spirit girl!! :)

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