Going ons

Hey hey hey! Wow, my mom actually went to India for one week for a holiday AND I could actually survive without her! What a miracle! Haha. Tomorrow she's coming back. Yahoo! Really missed her, well, you know me, always close to my mom. Hope she's well and fully rested. Oh ya, MUET results will be out soon. Next week in fact, according to my MUET teacher. I hope, I hope I will get satisfactory results. Must wait and see. Ouch... I'm having a terrible stomachache le. It keeps hurting. Been like that for the past one hour plus. Gosh don't know what's wrong with me. Cannot stand it much longer. Oh yeah, by the way, I actually drove the car to school on Thursday and today. By myself! Yay! Even drove some friends home. Haha. Freedom at last! How cool man!


chian said…
wah...not bad ah..drove yourself ;) next time fetch me ya^^ ur mom's car? right? freedom...actually u have it, i'm sure, it's just that u didnt make full use of it..n of cuz u can survive without ur mom..big girl already lah..=.=" hey give my articles some comment larh

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