Dissection (Part 2)

Great. Really great... I feel like crying again when I think of the incident. Today was the second time I dissected a mouse. Dissecting is not a problem to me. The thing is, the mouse that I killed and cut up today was PREGNANT and I think quite a few weeks already. I could see the foetus of the mouse babies. They WOULD HAVE BEEN able to live had I decided not to dissect their mother. I feel so sad and terrible to think they would never be able to see the world. I was half crying while dissecting this particular mouse. Really broke my heart. I suspected it was pregnant but thought that maybe I was wrong. Well, I am wrong alright! Killing little things like that... My teacher had to cut out the placenta for me. Tears were blurring my vision and I had to keep on wiping away my tears. Just feel so sad.


chian said…
aww shooo sad...but...
=.='' omg...do u have to be THAT sentimental?

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