
Well well well. It's been a golly long time since I've last benn here. Keep forgetting to log in and then busy and etc. Hehe. Now let me update you on some stuff which happened during my absence. I went to do my spectacles, changing to a new frame or rather frameless which in purple in colour and my eyesight has deteriorated slightly. Aaiii... I also fell sick just recently. Had the cold, fever, cough.. the usual package you know. :) My monthly test is in three weeks time and I have a one week break next week. Yay! But I have to go back on two days for extra classes. Oh well. I have to really work hard this year.. don't want to repeat what happened during my SPM. I must focus on my goals and ignore those obstacles because I can do it!


chian said…
awwwwww..sick ahh?? poor thang!! got take medicine anot? no?? notti notti gurl!!!!! =P

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