Lucky Us

You know, most of us here are very lucky. Lucky in the sense that we are healthy, don't have any deformities and can lively comfortably with our parents' suffcient income. But yet, the grass is always greener on the other side for most of us. We tend to be ungrateful for what we have. Have we ever sat down and thought about how lucky we are? That we have a nice house to live in, enough food and clothes, able to go to school and so on. Rarely right? A lot of people aren't so lucky as we are. Some children have to skip classes to work just to support their family. Saddening is it not? Everyday, people are being warded in the hospital for all types of diseases. It seems nothing much to us until we are there ourselvs to witness and see the suffering they have to go through. So, we should thank our lucky stars for everything we've got. Though life may always seem to be imperfect. Remember.


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