Back to Beginner Pole


I most probably shouldn't be here since I have to wake up before 6am tomorrow for a super duper early morning mass. But since I got distracted watching "Jessica Darling's It List" and didn't get to type, well, here I am.

First, goodbye to exotic pole class! For now, hahahah. Honestly, I did not sign up for exotic pole. I signed up for beginner pole, but after a month, I had to move sessions due to the low numbers. Voila! I ended up in exotic pole class where you are encouraged to wear high heels during class. I tak larat ok? My left ankle still hurts occasionally and is especially triggered by high heels, so I've been wearing flats throughout these few months.

Though, the exotic pole class is quite fun. Tough but fun! We learn these sexy moves and poses which I have never done before.

Next month onwards, I am back to beginner pole class. Yay! I need to pick up the different moves again. I've not mastered the fireman, the backward reach and a few others. Let's just hope that my ankle is an obedient child and does not give me any trouble.

Second, I will tell you in another post, haha. Goodnight!


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