Don't You Read???

Seriously... don't you read?

I don't understand certain applicants.
If a job advertisement says, "Urdu language skills required" and you DO NOT communicate in Urdu, through either spoken or written, then why are you responding and applying to the job ad?

What, do you think that you will miraculously have the language at your fingertips once you apply for the job?

It makes me think that you're lazy (not reading through the job ad properly) or just plain dumb/stupid.

Let me reiterate that this is not discrimination. We just need someone who can communicate in Urdu to reach out to our target markets. Can you even do that if we hire you? (IF we hire you, of course. Geez...) Urgh!! *pulls hair*

Do not waste people's time. I'm sure there are plenty of jobs out there that are more suited to your capabilities. This, is just not it.


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