Was going to go with the title March Week 2 Updates for this post (so boring * in a whiny tone*), but I came up with FDT! Hahaha. When to know that you have been putting on the pounds.... Answer: When a 3-4 year-old boy comes up to you, literally pokes you in your flabby tummy and say to you, "Stomach." Innocently, while giggling. -.-' True story, bro. He was so adorable though. Was very tensed up for my OM midterm. Crammed and studied as much as I could. Strained my neck after the test. Couldn't look down to my left. Tsk! Feeling a bit drained. Work is pretty dynamic. You can plan and plan to do this and that, but when it comes, things almost always never go as planned. You have so many different kinds of personalities to handle. You have to learn to cater to different kinds of needs. You have to know the different approaches in dealing with a situation. I am still learning. I hope to learn as much as possible and as fast as I can. Thank goodn...