
I am almost a quarter of a century old. Yes, I am still young. But I realized that death recognises no creed, skin colour or age. Death comes to take whoever and whenever he pleases. Bribing and pleading lends on his deaf ears. He shows no mercy or compassion. His ultimate goal, is to take that person with him.

Recently, I have been hearing news about people passing away. Not old folks mind you, but people who are my age and even younger than that! Accidents, diseases are the main causes of their demise. It actually scares me as I used to think that death (I apologise for being dumb) came only for people aged 50 and above! Oh, how naive I was...

Which comes to remind me, that I have not really been appreciative of my life. I am glad that I am alive but I haven't really sat down to be grateful for it. I just live my day as it goes through taking for granted that I'll have another day. I do not think that I am prepared to meet God. But, I should get prepared. Being not prepared is not an excuse!

At least let me jot it down here:
To everyone whom I know, thank you very much for being a part of my life. My family, friends, coursemates and others. I know that I am not perfect. I could have hurt anyone of you by my thoughtless actions or harsh words. I sincerely apologize for that. (I know, an apology on a blog sounds insincere somewhat, but that's the only way everyone can know.) I hope that the memories of the days we spent together would always be with you all. 



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