Food Poisoning

Came down with food poisoning just this Sunday. Do you know how that feels??? It's like having someone punch you in the stomach every two minutes. Like seriously punch. (Not the punch guys do when they meet each other.) The sensation is so freakin' awesome that I want to burst out in joy singing a song (my foot la)!! Hurts like hell!! Unconsciously you also tend to grab your stomach everytime that happens. And that is not a very nice look to have. Hahaha. It's not only the stomachache, it's also the diarrhea and the vomiting. I totally hate that!! Well, I guess everyone would right??? (Hmmm....) Going to the bathroom tonnes of times is not enjoyable! Now I can understand the chinese term (la du zi) perfectly. You really feel like you're pulling your stomach. Oh yeah, you want hard, flat and gorgeous abs??? Just go and bend yourself over a toilet bowl and puke your guts out. Guaranteed five times later, you'll feel your stomach muscles tighten. Hahahaha...