UTAR admission

I am really really confused, surprised, shocked and disorientated. On the first Saturday of May, I went to UTAR to send in my application for one of their courses. Just in case, I don't get the course I want in local u. The courses start in May. The course that I wanted was full, well, practically every science course was full. So I asked them to put me in for next year's Januray intake. (Just in case). I had settled that and thought they won't be calling me until next yaer. Then, just this Thursday, during their UTAR orientation day, they called to inform me that they are offering me a course of my choice. They are calling me at the last minute! I have to pay the bills by this coming Monday, find a place to stay(cause my campus is in Setapak), get myself mentally ready and also try to settle myself in. I have already missed their orientation day. So when I go for class this Monday, I will be like a real lost sheep. Won't know where my classes will be and stuff like that. I certainly hope I won't stick out like a sore thumb coming into class like that without attending the orientation. Aaiii... Just have to hope for the best!


chian said…
walao!! y nv tell me such a big news!!
hey...means i wont be seeing u for a very long time loh? :(
comelah, let's go out b4 ur college starts lah! i dunno abt ur schedule, just inform me when u'r free.
wat course btw?
Kath said…
Yup, must go out. :) I'm taking biotechnology. I didn't even think of this course at all before!!

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