
Showing posts from December, 2004


Okay, holidays are ending soon, only four more days to school. Argh! The horrors. Don't know what's wrong with me. Used to be excited to go back to school. Maybe because I don't like the school that much yet, or maybe there's no one I'm excited to see about. Anyway, I think I have to gain back my momentum in preparation for classes. Managed to finish chapter 8 of chemsitry today. A bit sad huh? Had wonderful plans for the holidays but didn't end up doing them. I only did a bit of practice for pure mathematics. Freaking out already. STPM is coing soon. Very soon as time flies by quickly. I'm now having a headache rushing through a dateline for a group project. Can't identify the plants, have no way of nowing how. And with three of my group members' computer system down, I have to bear the load. Thank goodness another member still has a functioning computer. my shoulder aches due to the long sitting sessions and my head really hurts as I strain my eyes...

Busy busy

Hey ya people. It's been quite a long time since my last entry. I've been busy for these few weeks I can tell you. After my cameron trip, on Dcember 4th, I had to help out in some sports event, later on that same day I had a birthday gathering to attend to. I was so tired I nearly fell alseep at home! Then just last Friday, me and a bunch of church friends went to Penang for a holiday. Four days and three nights. Man! I certainly had fun with these people there. Really enjoyed this trip. Not to forget I also had to go to my friend's house to complete the bio project. Can't wait till it's done. But you know what? I haven't really started to study yet? And classes start in just three weeks time! Help! Eesh! Must seriously buck up. Well, just to say that I'm busy busy busy!