
Showing posts from August, 2004

Being Bullied

When I was in primary school, I was bullied. A lot. Maybe because it was the way I look or maybe these people just nothing else better to do with their time. Anyhow, I was always being laughed at, criticised at and so on. I remember I used to cry in class when these things happened. Some 'friends' even tried to throw leaves down my neck into my clothes on purpose!! A teacher once said that I looked like an 'old grandmother' too. I didn't like it. I remember a particular boy calling me ugly straight to my face. Man, that hurt a lot. Maybe, because of all these bad experiences, I cry easily. I still feel hurt when I think of these things. But thank God, I'm an okay person. In fact, a special one. :) I may not be able to forget these incidents but I think I'm able to forgive.


Have you ever wondered why do people fall for each other? I do, sometimes anyway. Maybe it's because there's something in that particular person that attracts another person. Maybe her laugh, his sense of humour and so on. But life, as you have it, doesn't always seem to go your way. I'll have crushes on this particular guy, then later to find out that he has crushes on another girl, which really breaks my heart into a gazillion pieces!! Haha. But then, life moves on and I soon find myself another target to have crushes on, non-intentionally mind you. :P Well, I just hope to find my own prince-charming one day. Cause i'm sure to find him when the time comes.


Well, recently I witnessed a fight in a park. I suppose I kind of got shocked as it was the first time i actually saw a person being beaten up by another. The thing was, no one moved in to curb the fight or to calm things down, including myself. I was rooted to the ground. Too shocked to move. Everyone was just where they were, watching, witnessing everything. The place was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, except for the guys who were fighting. It was like a slow movie being played right in front of my eyes. I really feel sad for these people. Where has all the humanity gone? I want peace back. And the witnesses, are we really scared to lend a helping hand for the sake of avoiding being beaten up? For me, I now know the answer.