I'm now in the last year of my uni life. Events which recently occurred, provoked me to reflect back throughout the whole of my life. From kindi to primary to secondary and to tertiary..(sounds like protein folding ngek ngek...) All my life, I have met all sorts of people and become friends or acquaintances. There are those whom I've met and lost, those whom I've forgoten and also those whom I still keep dearly in my heart. Not to forget are also those whom I will not miss should I never see them again. As of now, close primary school friends are that few. Been there for me.. and try to come out to meet even if they're superbly busy. Primary friends whom I wasn't close to but became closer due to mutual friends and frequent outings. Like the recent CNY gathering and clubbing. Of all things...hahaha. Should I name you guys? Hahaha. Hugs. Secondary life wasn't really that impactful... Form 1 to form 5... I just flitted in and out of classes. Friends from there we...