
Showing posts from July, 2006

Train Experience

Five days a week I take the LRT and KTM to class. These few weeks, I have always observed how people board the train. In KL Sentral, people automatically line up in two lines at the side to wait for the LRT. The middle space is for people in the train to disembark. But there are some people, either they are just plain ignorant or too self-absorbed in their own 'sweet' world, like to stand right in the middle of the pathway! Blur sotong! Maybe it's trick of theirs, so they don't have to line up, they can simply pretend to 'cut queue'. Some people like to stand in front of you and block your way into the train, when it was obviously you who was standing in that place first and was already waiting in line! Makes me mad. it becomes worse when you wait for the KTM in KL sentral around 5 something in the evening. People will push and push to get into the train. People who want to come out end up being pushed back inside the train again! Even if you stand still and let