
Showing posts from October, 2004


Okay. My exams were finally over since last week! Yippee! And of course I got back some of the results. Sad to say, I failed pure mathemetics this time. I don't know, I'm just not really good in add maths and pure maths and stuff. Thank goodness I'm not taking further mathematics. Would really kill me. Haha. Well, my biology and chemistry papers' results were okay. But I think I can certainly do better. For Maths too by the way. Have to put in more effort. Practice, practice, practice. Got to reach the sky next time. Yay!


Man, how I do hate being sick! I have no mood to do anything. Can't read, study or even watch any TV programmes. When you have a cold, your nose and eyes water so often, you have to close your eyes and just sleep. Coz it just hurts to have them open. I feel bored at home because I can't seem to do anything. And yet when I'm in school, how I wished I could stay at home. Arrgh! And my exams are just next week! What a swell time to get sick.